Friday 13 March 2015

Battle Between Crest and Colgate

Want to have a whiter smile? This week, me and my bestie did the official test of toothpaste!

Bestie & Myself, Showing Off Our Pearly Whites!

Top: Product 1 Bottom: Product 2

Product 1: Colgate Whitening Toothpaste

Product 2:  Crest 3D White Toothpaste

Whether we have a date coming up or grad pictures, we all want whiter teeth (thats a fact). As women we take pride in our smile, as it is one of the key components to success. I was so sick and tired of trying different toothpaste out to see which would whiten my smile most effectively, so that’s why I decided to test two options out, with the help of my bestie.

The Process: Submerging Eggs In Coffee & Brushing

The Process: 
I took two eggs, boiled them each for three minutes.
Then, I made a pot of coffee, one of our many weaknesses.
I let the eggs soak in the coffee for 45 minutes.
I took the eggs out and started to brush each one with the different pastes and brushes both for 30 seconds each.

The Results:

Colgate Egg After Brushing Coffee Stains

Crest Egg After Brushing Coffee Stains

The results were obvious, I was amazed at how well Crest 3D worked after the 30 seconds of brushing.  As the Crest egg reveals, a whiter outcome than the Colgate toothpaste in the same time period of brushing. There were specs of what i'd like to call "fighting power" in the Crest paste that I feel contributed to the success of the brushing. The Colgate egg did remove the coffee stains, however at a much slower rate than the Crest brand.

I rate Crest 5 shopping bags out of 5 and Colgate 3 shopping bags out of 5. If you want that perfect white smile to feel confident at that first impression, i'd suggest you switch to Crest and start brushing immediately!

Until next post,


Friday 6 March 2015

Pain Relief

Spending my entire reading week home sick, I decided to write this weeks post on pain relief medicine.

Specifically, I had a head cold that entailed sore throat, cough, congestion, stuffed nose, headache and ear aches. Yes, it was a very fun reading week..

Focusing on medicine for my throat and cough only, I tested the two most generic sore throat pain relievers on the market.  Halls vs. Cepacol

Product 1:  Halls 
Price: $3.17 + Tax

Halls come 9 in a pack with a soothing syrup centre. Halls are packed with vapor action in order to sooth sore throats when under the weather. Claimed to relief pain temporarily for short periods of time wheather your at the office with a minor cough and stuffy nose or at home on the couch out of commission (like I was).
Click Here  to go to the Halls webpage to sign up for coupons and special offers.

Product 2:  Cepacol 
Price: $3.49 + Tax (I personally bought a pack of 3 boxes of Cepacol at Costco on sale for only $7 + Tax)

The honey lemon is my favourite flavour of Cepacol. They are sucrose free oral lozenges with 16 in each box. Cepacol lozenges are fast and effective temporary relief for sore throats.
Cepacol has done an excellent job at branding to become the "go to" product for people in pain while sick. I can personally say I am brand loyal to Cepacol in my sore throat emergencies. 

Product claims: Cepacol claims to be Pharmacists #1 reccommended brand for sore throats

 Click Here to go to the Cepacol website for a $1 off coupon!

The results:
After testing both Halls and Cepacol, it was an easy win for Cepacol. The Halls didn't have a strong impact to my throat. It felt more like a cherry candy making empty promises. It tasted quite good (love cherry) although for a more serious throat infection or soreness it didn't have enough strength to make an impact. Cepacol on the other hand, instantly numbed my mouth and throat to maximize the strength and make my throat feel relief almost instantly. The only downfall, is that is is only a temporarily relief and you have to continuously be taking more lozenges throughout each day for the duration of your sickness.

I rate Halls 2 shopping bags out of 5 and I rate Cepacol 4 shopping bags out of 5. Halls didn't have a dramatic effect where as Cepacol instantly numbed my throat and minimizes pain much quicker. Bang for your buck, Cepacol is the way to go.


Until next post, 


Have you been sick and used a different product to relieve throat pain? Tell me what it was and how it worked! Leave a comment below.